Monday, March 2, 2009


Today was Day One of Richard Dunmall's Greater Asia Pacific (we've been told that we can't say GAP) team off-site defining the Vision and Mission for the APS Regional team in Hong Kong. It very much reminds me of the early days of DRIVE whereby we could develop our business plans together, commit, then execute. Save this is Microsoft -- a company 80,000+ strong. And spanning, what, 15-20 countries? WOW. The opportunity!

Given that it's a new team, of course there was team building, and we did so by racing one another at an outdoor Go Kart venue so far from Hong Kong it may as well have been Mainland China! We followed with an awesome team dinner at Yellow Door in the heart of Central -- SoHo actually -- and enjoyed the fruits of the morning get-to-know-you and first working session as a team.

It was a treat to spend the day in a meeting like this one, to enjoy Go Kart racing with significantly fewer safety restrictions (pros & cons), and to celebrate what's to come over an amazingly -- and amazingly spicy -- meal. I'm excited to be an extended part of this team and look forward to what's to come!

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