Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kubb & other Fourth of July Adventures

Sydney last year. San Juan this year. Granted, not San Juan, Mexico, but San Juan Island! As in all things, it's amazing how a year can be measured (see RENT).

This year, I had the opportunity to join Amy & John Weaver @ Amy's Dad & Stepmom's home on Dream Lake near Friday Harbor (click on Aerial view, then click to zoom 2x; now, see the words "San Juan Island" on the map link? Yep, that's Jack & Heidi's house!). It was an incredible weekend altogether -- and while heavily American with BBQ and fireworks and bonfires, it was also wonderfully international as we celebrated with the Elvis Beta Kubb Tournament III at Asa Stadium.

As is tradition chez Jack, we entered a full-on double-elimination Kubb tournament and played nearly all weekend. Avid Reader, if you don't know Kubb, you need to -- and I apologize that I've been a bad friend. Needless to say, after much "STEEK-uh!" and SmackTalk, I finished third overall having made it to the winner's final (losing to Mac McKenna), then getting knocked out in the loser's final by Cousin Ethan. Definitely a noble go by me; I certainly did not embarrass my Irish roots at this traditional Swedish pasttime!

The best part of the weekend, of course, was to get extra time with the Weavers. I also enjoyed late night fireside chats with Amy's brother Jesse Snyder, kayaking Dream Lake with John, the Captain's sway over me throughout the weekend, and the stunning world that we live in: the San Juans are something else.

So, too, was the Fourth altogether and I pass another Independence Day certainly proud to be an American. And, as an American, I feel so lucky to get to see so many amazing places outside my own country to help define what America is and means to me. Happy Fourth, Avid Reader!

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