Thursday, December 11, 2008

Back to Normal

Life took a REturn to the better last night as John, Amy and I were able to get together again at our favorite watering hole (St.Andrews), enjoy ice cold beer & delicious pub cuisine, donate coasters, realize we were calling the waiter by a completely incorrect name, and compete in 12 thrilling rounds of SYN*!

And when I say "compete" and "thrilling", I mean it! Three of the sudden death finals ended in a dealer confidently staying with a King, and with the underdog holding on to a Joker! What this means, Avid Reader, is that there was much celebration and even more gnashing of teeth in the middle of the bar! These finales were sights to see, included screeches to hear, and will be stories to tell for all time.

To normalcy!

(*and yes, JW dominated SYN: JW, 6; AW, 4; TM 2)


Tia said...

I'm liking the facial hair! "Normalcy" works for you.

Meagan Elliot said...

your beard is blowing my mind!