Sunday, March 7, 2010

Singapore Zoo!

Today was a STELLAR Sunday. I got up early to beat the heat and, with the Dolans, headed to the world-famous Singapore Zoo! I could literally put a list -- with adjoining photos -- together of the world of animals I got to see up close today. I will tell you that I took 350+ photos today of some 53 different animals... and this is me either deleting those that did not turn out or refusing to take shots altogether (sorry snakes). I will, however, share some of my favorites...

Polar Bear -- my first viewing ever of one of these amazing animals. I could have watched the biggie swim forever.

White Bengal Tigers -- another first: white tigers! I always have a soft spot for tigers as they were my first high school mascot (and an important one for my family). White ones, though? Super awesome.

Super Cute -- if this were an award, otters will most always win. However, some honorable mentions must go out to the pygmy hippos, orangutan babies, and penguins (even thought they smelled of the devil).

The Fave -- the sentry meerkat never disappoints. I was never really a "fan" per se, until I met The Sloucher in Sydney. Now, they're a fave.

Holy Pre-Historic BatMan! -- there are times when I'm simply blown away by creation and it nearly always relates to reptiles. This go was no expection as I couldn't grasp the sheer size of the giant turtles and the beastly crocodile. In addition, rhinos simply blow my mind and these white rhinos did not disappoint (hello dinosaurs!). I also got up close & personal with many random lizards who call the zoo their home, but who don't live in a cage...

The Last Place I Want to Be -- this goes out to the baboon exhibit. Not only would I never want to be dropped into this baboon pen in a hundred thousand million years, but I wouldn't wish it on my biggest enemy either! Can you say "Planet of the Apes"?!

Monkey Central -- not only were there tons of baboons, there were hordes of monkeys in general! This must be the world's most robust monkey collection with orangutans, chimps, drills and more!

Big Cats -- in addition to the white tigers, I got to be up close & personal (literally, a mere sheet of glass separated me!) with cheetahs, leopards and lions. It was amazing to me how powerful these cats look and how much I wanted one walking around my townhouse being BFF with Copper.

The Standards -- I call them standards which may imply they are simply not impressive. Not so! I've come to realize that giraffes and zebras *are* the zoo to me. No giraffe? No zebra? You ain't no zoo! That's crazy talk!

The X-rateds -- And for those keeping parental control on their internet, you won't want to check out the photos of the caught-in-the-act dirty bird Proboscis Monkey nor the Mongoose/mongeese (content not suitable for our younger Avid Readers). Say it ain't so!

All in all, it was an amazing day at the zoo, even if I was a sweaty puddle throughout! Kudos to Singapore for pioneering the open habitat concept and for all of their conservation efforts. I realize just how small I am, but how large of an impact I have on our environment whenever I have the chance to see so many amazing creatures. So, treat the earth well, Avid Reader. And become a hero of your hometown zoo!


Tia said...

Are these pictures all taken by you? They are really amazing shots. Thanks for sharing-as avid readers who enjoyed the original Sloucher shot, we always enjoy the animal shots. And you really never saw a Polar Bear before? They are especially emotional for me to see knowing what's going on with their habitat.

toddderrick said...

Indeed they are my photos! Granted, I had on a stronger zoom lens than normally comes with the camera, but I was literally 6in from some of the big cats and probably no more than 6-8 feet from the meerkat as it sat on a rock so very close to me! It was a completely impressive zoo altogether!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a blog update! Fantastic photos Todd, I feel as if I just toured the zoo with you. Thanks!