Point being, I no sooner landed in Paris then was on a train to London then on a flight home. Depart Seattle Sunday. Arrive Paris Monday. Arrive London Thursday. Arrive Seattle Saturday. It's a never-ending game of 'What Will this Hotel Room be Like?'. Needless to say, it was a fast week and a great week in two of the greatest cities on the planet, Paris & London. So as not to give a play-by-play, some highlights:
+ Bread! Bread! Bread! How I love me a french boulangerie.
+ The little differences. Like "C" & "F" instead of Hot (chaud) & Cold (froid).
+ Dinner in the Louvre Courtyard. Cafe Marly was awesome.
+ The biggest beer EVER at Le Castel with work colleagues from around the world.
+ But nothing beats an English Pub after hours. Save beers with a dear friend in said drinking hole. Thank you, Plumber's Arms & Brian Hennigan!
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