Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rare Sightings

Much like the elusive black dove and the Silverback Gorilla, there was another rare sighting in Seoul, South Korea today: the American WetBack.

Alas, it was me.
Or, in the spirit of the Olympics and as they say in France, c'etait moi.

Seoul is Sauna Central. As such, I've adopted a strategery for coping: First, I chose to stay at the closest hotel to the office. I didn't know how good that move was until today. Second, I wore white A) to stay cool; and B) in case of the unfortunate potential of WetBack. Third, I moved absolutely as slowly as possible. Even still, I had to tote my backpack and that rare glimpse that only comes post-sporting event -- or in the depths of hell -- came to pass.


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