Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!: A Report by Todd Moore

So, my birthday is May 22nd. Pleasingly, I was on vacation for it. Displeasingly, I was incredibly jet-lagged. What follows is a version of the story that would make for a good report. The fact that I collapsed in a physical and emotional heap in my hotel room in the middle of the day would not. Read on!

My birthday unoffically started on May 21st when I went on VACATION in Minnesota! Indeed, the birthday gift of all birthday gifts! After dinner with friends at The Local, we opted for 'dessert' next door at Barrio, a friendly tequila bar. Point being, Avid Reader, my birthday started off with a BANG!

As for my birthday itself, I treated myself to an iced venti non-fat caramel macchiato and a trapse around Minneapolis to take in the sights & sounds of the midwest. We enjoyed crossing the Mississippi River -- not quite at a place that you can walk across with five steps down -- but across stunning bridges that make Minneapolis the city that it is. We also enjoyed the famous Flour Museum and an air-conditioned lunch. (After a much-needed nap) We also enjoyed more time with friends back at The Local that night as all of the Seattle teams in town for the USAV National Tournament descended on Minneapolis and came out to celebrate my birthday (at least I'm going to say that's why).

My favorite memories of the day included actually ordering a venti beverage (a first for me, if you can believe it!), talking to my parents, enjoying that I knew so much about Betty Crocker, getting serious Jace Time (as well as with his parents), a moment of friendship with Jesse, seeing all of the Seattlites in MN and getting all of the birthday wishes, returning to a Facebook profile swamped with messages, and the Conformation card & gifts from J.C..

It was indeed a swell birthday.
I'm excited to be 30 next year!

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