After years of worry, I finally went in for a full body check right before I left for Asia. Thanks to my dear mother, I'm a someone mole-y guy, but my ability to tan rivals the Italians (so I'm adopted; hard to know). With four specific moles of concern, I pointed out each one, described why I thought it was an issue and got the doctor to nod politely, but say, 'we'll keep a watch on that one'. However, when he saw the one below my left arm-pit, he didn't let me describe but cutting me off: "I don't like that one." It's not something you want to hear while you're getting checked for cancerous moles. lso what one doesn't want to hear? "Can you spread your butt cheeks for me now?".
In sum, we removed the mole this past week and I'm stitched up and healing nicely, awaiting results from the lab which should arrive sometime next week after they slice and dice the dime-sized, three-time thick chunck of flesh removed from my torso. Good times, really. And good times for you, Avid Reader, who know you should get checked and haven't -- or won't.
Take my advice: Grin. Spread. Relax. Any order you choose!