Saturday, September 5, 2009


And here I thought I would get to sleep in... OH! E-DO NO!

I was awoken this morning by bullhorns and blaring music and what turned out to be the 10th anniversary of the OH! E-DO DANCE competition/exhibition/event. Hundreds of little girls (and little boys here and there) in matching outfits ranging from t-shirts to cheerleading outfits were demonstrating the joy of dance directly below my hotel window.

Of course, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Not that I joined in on the Dance Dance Revolution, but I did head out for the morning and enjoyed some kind of competition where each of six troupes danced to some song. Then were all re-introduced and danced again... to the same song. Then each group was awarded a trophy for participating. I think one of the troups was announced the winner, because they ultimately performed their routine again... to the same song. I literally listened... to the same song... 13 times (reminded me of the Miss Universe Japan pageant and the lip-sync challenge... to the same song).

It was a hoot altogether and felt as if I was seeing another significant cultural event. Not sure what event and not sure of its significance, but it felt that way. I close the day thankful that I didn't know the words to the music else... the same song... would still be stuck in my head.

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